Open Letter to Prime Minister Trudeau Expresses Alarm Over Project List Under New Impact Assessment Act

MiningWatch is one of eight leading environmental organizations that addressed this open letter to the Prime Minister regarding shortcomings in proposed regulations under the new federal Impact Assessment Act (the recently-passed bill C-69). We have been working on the update and modernization of...

More than 1500 March to Defend Territory Against Argonaut Gold in Guanajuato, Mexico

Yesterday, over 1,500 people marched against "Toxic Mining" in Dolores Hidalgo, Guanajuato, Mexico to demand that the three levels of government respect their decision to be territories free of mining, and not grant any licences to Canadian company, Argonaut Gold (TSE: AR).

Dolores Hidalgo is...

Mi'kmaq Matters Episode 105: Preparing for the Valentine Lake Environmental Assessment

By Mi'kmaq Matters – a weekly podcast about the Mi'kmaq people and the Qalipu First Nation.

Participant funding for the Valentine Lake environmental assessment will be announced soon, and Jamie Kneen from MiningWatch Canada says groups planning to intervene on the gold mine development on...

Support the People's Barricade against OceanaGold in Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines

From Kalikasan People's Network for the Environment

OceanaGold's 25-year Financial or Technical Assistance Agreement (FTAA) for the Didipio mine expired on June 20, 2019, but the company has defied restraining orders by the Provincial Government.

OceanaGold claims it can continue operating...

Chilean Community Submits Open Letter to the People of Canada Re: Threat Canadian Mining Company Poses to Their Water

In July, 2019, a representative of the organization Putaendo Resiste met with MiningWatch Canada's staff to present them with an "Open Letter to the People of Canada: Canadian Los Andes Copper Ltd. Destroys, Kills, Exterminates, Lies and Bribes in Putaendo, Chile."

The project, Los Vizcachitas...

Conference: "Turning Down the Heat: Can We Mine Our Way Out of the Climate Crisis?"

We organised a conference in Ottawa on November 14-15, 2019, to address the challenge of how to respond to the climate crisis without destroying more of the planet we are trying to save – to reduce the need for more mining, limit and manage its impacts, and to the extent possible, repair the


Ecuadorian Organization Denounces Illegal Exploration Activities at Canadian Mining Project

The Observatorio Minero Ambiental & Social del Norte de Ecuador (OMASNE) denounced today that the Canadian company, Cornerstone Resources (TSX: CGP), continues to sign agreements with landowners to continue their exploration efforts in the area of influence of the Los Cedros Protected Forest...

International Media Expose Human Rights Abuses by Security at Barrick Gold’s North Mara Mine in Tanzania

Yesterday news outlets in several countries simultaneously released the results of investigations by a consortium of journalists into human rights and environmental abuses at Barrick Gold’s North Mara gold mine in Tanzania. This exposé by, among others, Canada’s Toronto Star, UK’s Guardian, and...

MiningWatch Canada Personnel

Communications Coordinator Valerie Croft works to make sure that MiningWatch's communications are as effective as possible in support of our campaigns and our partners' struggles. Val brings over a decade of experience accompanying communities resisting Canadian mining projects, amplifying their...

Save the Date! Announcing Our 20th Anniversary Conference – Ottawa, November 14-15, 2019

There is an urgent imperative to cut greenhouse gas emissions in order to keep global warming from getting worse than what is already “locked in.” But many current projections for a ‘decarbonised’ energy economy require massive amounts of metals to be able to generate, store, and transmit...

Canadian Organizations Denounce Federal Government's Ongoing Negotiations for MERCOSUR with Brazil's Extremist Bolsonaro Government

On June 10th, the Trade Justice Network, on behalf of several Canadian organizations, including MiningWatch Canada, submitted a letter to Premier Minister Justin Trudeau, as well as Minister of Foreign Affairs Chrystia Freeland and Minister of International Trade Jim Carr, expressing their...

"Extraction Casino" Ottawa Launch Event – June 17, 2019

Mining companies are suing Latin American governments and making millions and even billions of dollars at the expense of people and the environment.

Find out how this came to be, what affected communities from Colombia think about it, and what people are doing to stop it.

Join us on June...

Mi'kmaq Matters – Episode 99: Mining Mi'kmaq Land

By Mi'kmaq Matters – A weekly podcast about the Mi'kmaq people and the Qalipu First Nation, with host Glenn Wheeler.

Without having consulted the Mi'kmaq people who have used the lands over centuries, a mammoth gold mine is being developed in the Valentine Lake area of central Newfoundland. 


Talking Points podcast episode 4 - Digging for Dividends

Learn about the secret weapon Canadian mining companies are using to extract money from developing countries when environmental measures, Indigenous rights and community resistance create democratic roadblocks to their extracting oil, gas and minerals.

Investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS)...

Canada Still Needs an Ombudsperson to Investigate Mining Cases – Not an Advisor to the Minister of International Trade or another CSR Counsellor

The Government of Canada has fundamentally broken its electoral promise of 2015 and its commitment of January 17, 2018 to create an Ombudsperson with: independence from both government and industry; strong investigatory powers to compel documents and witnesses, when necessary, in the course of...

MiningWatch Mourns Death of Ana Paula Hernández and Colleagues in Guatemala Crash

MiningWatch Canada is saddened by tragic news coming out of Guatemala today.

It is with great sadness that we learn of the sudden and tragic deaths of four tireless activists who have dedicated much time and energy to defending human rights. Ana Paula Hernández from the Fund for Global Human...