MiningWatch Responds to the National Post

MiningWatch Canada has responded to three articles written by Peter Foster for the Financial Post section of the National Post, as well as to one erroneous correction that ran in the Financial Post. For more information about the situation in Ecuador, see MiningWatch Canada's recent analysis: Canadi...

Discrimination against the Subanon of the Philippines in the context of large-scale gold mining on their ancestral domain.

Submission to the Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination Regarding: Discrimination against the Subanon of Mt Canatuan, Siocon, Zambonga del Norte, Philippines in the context of large-scale gold mining on their ancestral domain.

Committee on the Elimination of all...

Kwale Dispatch: Investigating Tiomin Resources' Criminal Activities In Kenya

'Kwale Dispatch’ was produced by ZAHRA MOLOO of CKUT Radio in Montreal, with translations from Kiswahili by Andrew Mwangura.  It features interviews taken in August 2005 with villagers of the affected areas of Maumba and Nguluku as well as representatives of the human rights organizations Muhuri,...

Canadian Mining Investment in Southeast Ecuador Exacerbates Divisions, Conflicts

This analysis was undertaken following the publication of two letters accusing MiningWatch Canada of “genocide” and of keeping the Shuar people of Southeast Ecuador in poverty (see MiningWatch Responds to Ecuadorian Letters). The letters make special reference to Corriente Resources’ ‘Mirador’...

MiningWatch Responds to Ecuadorian Letters

During the week of June 25, 2007, MiningWatch Canada received letters from two Ecuadorian Indigenous men, Rubén Naichap and José Aviles, accusing us of “Support for Economic, Cultural and Social Genocide of the Shuar people” and “Keeping the Indigenous People of the Amazon in Poverty”, respectively...

Government to Sacrifice More Canadian Lakes to the Mining Industry

MiningWatch has learned from Environment Canada (EC) that together with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) they now maintain a list of some twenty lakes that are slated for destruction by mine waste over the next few years. This amounts to a massive public subsidy to the global mining...

The Intolerable "No" and the "Must-Win" Mine

Department of San Marcos, Guatemala
June 18, 2007
Text: Saqrik / Photography, Translation and Captions:

MiMundo.orgPeoples’ right to be consulted about industrial mega-projects is legally established by international agreements, built into national legislation and constitutions, and thrown...

Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug: Our Home and Native Land

[The following is a speech made by John Cutfeet on Saturday, June 2nd, 2007, as part of a Roundtable on “the Duty to consult aboriginal peoples and Ontario's Mining Act” at the Canadian Law and Society Association meetings at the Congress of the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social...

The New El Dorado by Tibor Kocis

An independent documentary which shows the truth about Rosia Montana, a magnificent Romanian village with a two thousand year history, threatened with destruction by Canadian company Gabriel Resources in order to make way for Europe's largest open cast gold mine. Film maker Tibor Kocis has spent...

Our Story: Uranium Prospecting in our Backyard

By Gloria Morrison. This past January, I was interviewed on CBC’s national radio program As It Happens. Journalist Carol Off asked what I had learned since I discovered that our land had been staked for uranium mining exploration. I want to share the heart-wrenching questions that my husband and I...

Dirty Business, Dirty Practices: How the Federal Government Supports Canadian Mining, Oil and Gas Companies Abroad

Report by the Canadian Network on Corporate Accountability (CNCA): Large-scale mining, oil and gas extraction is dirty business. Extractive projects often pit investors, extractive companies and national governments against communities and indigenous groups who seek to protect land and resources...

Canadian Mining in Mexico: Made in Canada Violence

Written by Mandeep Dhillon in Vancouver, with help from Antoine Libert Amico

The history of mining in Mexico is a long one. The riches of the Mexican sub-soil were a major motivation for Spanish colonizers and the mining industry is often accorded an important place in events leading to the...

Declarations of Oruro Gathering on Environmental Justice and Mining in Latin America

Oruro, Bolivia, March 9-11, 2007

This past March 9-11, representatives from civil society organizations and churches throughout Latin America met to share and discuss the situation of environmental injustice which communities and organizations are confronting as a result of the activities of...

Mining Is Inherently Unsustainable

Notes for Jamie Kneen's response to Pierre Gratton, Vice President for Sustainable Development and Public Affairs of the Mining Association of Canada in a debate entitled "Earth: What is Mining All About? The Up and Down Sides", presented as part of the Ottawa University Institute of Environment...

Canadian Ambassador to Guatemala Accused of Misinformation - Open Letter to the Canadian Government

To Whom It May Concern:

We, the undersigned, write with deep concern over the recent conduct of Canadian ambassador to Guatemala, Kenneth Cook. Ambassador Cook has been misinforming people about the work of Canadian doctoral student Steven Schnoor, who has been in Central America for several...