Global Support for a Moratorium or Ban on Deep Seabed Mining

Canadians call on the Government of Canada to join global citizens, scientists, governments, corporations, and financial institutions in supporting a moratorium or ban on deep seabed mining.

Canada’s Role in Deep Seabed Mining

Join MiningWatch Canada, Oceans North and other organizations in calling for a moratorium on deep seabed mining in international waters. Sign the parliamentary petition we have co-sponsored. Canadian mining companies are on the forefront of efforts to extend mining and its harmful impacts into the...

5 Solutions to Reduce Canada's Material Footprint

According to the OECD’s latest review (see chart), Canada ranks worst of all G7 countries in mineral efficiency, recycling and circular economy. It remains amongst the most material-intensive economies in the world. The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) estimates Canada’s domestic yearly material...

MiningWatch Canada Is Pleased to Announce the Appointment of Rodrigue Turgeon as Canada Program Co-Lead

MiningWatch Canada is pleased to announce the appointment of Rodrigue Turgeon as Canada Program Co-Lead, starting today.

Rodrigue is a lawyer and an engaged citizen with an impressive track record of environmental advocacy and solidarity with Indigenous peoples that will greatly contribute to...

Welcoming Alexandra Kazakova, Interim Fundraising and Operations Coordinator

MiningWatch is pleased to welcome Alexandra Kazakova as Interim Fundraising and Operations Coordinator, replacing Diana Martin while she is on maternity leave. Alexandra will oversee and lead all aspects of the fundraising portfolio and plans, as well as institutional operations.


Words from Affected Communities as Mining Ban is Lifted in Chubut, Argentina

A good news update on December 22, 2021: After a massive public outcry, the province of Chubut has repealed last week's 14-11 vote to allow for open-pit mining in certain areas of the province. We celebrate this impressive display of people power, while lifting up the many voices of those who have...

International Solidarity Statement with Communities and Organizations of Chubut, Argentina Affected by Mine Zoning Law

A good news update on December 22, 2021: After a massive public outcry, the province of Chubut has repealed last week's 14-11 vote to allow for open-pit mining in certain areas of the province. We celebrate this impressive display of people power, while lifting up the many voices of those who have...

The Abejas de Acteal Receive the 2021 Mariano Abarca Environmental Award

On the 12th anniversary of the murder of environmental defender Mariano Abarca, during an emotional ceremony in the sacred land of Acteal, the Abarca family presented the third Mariano Abarca Environmental Defence Award to the Civil Society Las Abejas de Acteal in recognition of their peaceful...

Comments on Nauru Ocean Resources Incorporated's Collector Test Environmental Impact Statement

MiningWatch Canada has reviewed and provided comments on Nauru Ocean Resources Incorporated (NORI)’s Environmental Impact Statement for a proposed “collector test” of seabed mining equipment. The EIS lays bare the fundamental flaw in proposed deep seabed mining – the lack of adequate information...

Marking Another Year of Community Resistance to the Escobal Mine in Mataquescuintla and San Carlos Alzatate

Nine years ago, faced with threats posed by mining operations, communities in southeastern Guatemala organized a municipal consultation in the town of Mataquescuintla. The question was simple — do residents want mining? — and the answer was clear. Over 98% of participants expressed firm opposition...

International Solidarity Statement with 2021 Mariano Abarca Environmental Defence Award Recipient La Sociedad Civil las Abejas de Acteal, Chiapas, Mexico

November 27, 2021 marks 12 years since the assassination of Mexican environmental defender Mariano Abarca. As a founding member of the Mexican Network of Mining Affected People (REMA) and community leader, Mariano actively spoke out against the social and environmental impacts of a barite mining...

Does the world need more electric vehicles? More Canada?

The shift to electric vehicles is sparking considerable new demand for metals and minerals, which some feel Canada should rush to fill. That is the argument Martin Wightman articulated in The Daily Gleaner on Nov. 15. However, mining watchdog groups, most recently at the UN climate conference...

Virtual Forum: Pillage by Arbitration?

Register here to join us on Zoom on November 29 to talk with grassroots movements in Colombia and Guatemala about their struggles and the dangers and injustices of Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) enshrined in the Canada-Colombia Free Trade Agreement and thousands of other international...

BC Rainfall: Risks of Mine Waste Site Failures

Following unusually heavy rainfalls and the increased risks of flooding and mudslides across large parts of British Columbia, MiningWatch Canada is concerned about the risk of catastrophic mine waste dam failures and contaminated mine waste spills. MiningWatch is especially concerned about the min...

Breaking Cycles of Harm in Canada’s Mining Communities

By Mica Jorgenson and Dave Jorgenson*

In a regulatory system that evaluates individual proposals on their own merit, decision-makers at the provincial and federal levels have long struggled to account for the complexity of history. Mining on previously disturbed sites is often framed as a way...

Event: Mapping the Mining Impacts of the Energy Transition

Global launch of a new interactive map! – Webinar 23 November 2021

Free registration

Affected communities, researchers, and international civil society organizations collaborate to launch a new EJAtlas Interactive Map that chronicles the mining boom for critical minerals and the communities...