"Canadian Mining Companies in Latin America: Community Rights and Corporate Responsibility" Conference Held At York University

On May 9-11, Latin American and Canadian social and environmental activists, economists, and academics came together at York University in Toronto to set out a series of challenges for the mining industry and governments alike on the eve of a major industry conference.

"We wanted to provide an...

North American Indigenous Mining Summit held at Mole Lake, Wisconsin, June 12-15

June 12-15 saw MiningWatch Canada staff participating in the North American Indigenous Mining Summit in Mole Lake, Wisconsin. The Summit brought together indigenous and non-indigenous people from across North America to share information and experience. Some of the most heavily-affected communities...

Report on Regional Mining Workshop and WSSD Prep Com IV, Bali, Indonesia, May 24-June 3

MiningWatch Canada staff also attended a regional workshop for 74 members of mining-affected communities and NGOs from the Asia-pacific region. The workshop was held in Kuta, Bali, Indonesia on May 24-26. It preceded "Prep Com IV," the last preparatory conference for the World Summit on Sustainable...

Update on the Metal Mining Effluent Regulations

The new Metal Mining Effluent Regulations (MMERs) finally became law on June 19, 2002 with their publication in Part II of the Canada Gazette.

On July 28, 2001 the new (MMERs) were published in the Canada Gazette, Part I and a public consultation period was open until September 26, 2001. During...

Canadian Mining Companies in Latin America: Community Rights and Corporate Responsibility

Report from an international conference organised by CERLAC (the Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean at York University) and MiningWatch Canada, held in Toronto on May 9-11, 2002. This report was prepared by Tim Clarke and published as part of the CERLAC Colloquia Papers Series.

Placer Dome Case Study: Marcopper Mine (Marinduque, Philippines)

Part of a series of case studies on Placer Dome mines.

Placer Dome Case Study: Porgera Joint Venture (Papua New Guinea)

Part of a series of case studies on Placer Dome mines.

Placer Dome Case Study: Golden Sunlight Mine (Montana, USA)

Part of a series of case studies on Placer Dome mines.

Mining Operations Under Residential Areas

Prepared for MiningWatch CanadaBy W.O. MackaseyWOM Geological Associates Inc.April 25, 20021.0 INTRODUCTIONWOM Geological Associates Inc. has been retained by MiningWatch Canada to conduct a review of Canadian policies and practices with respect to mining under residential areas. As part of the...

Report of the International NGO Fact-finding Mission to Tanzania

IntroductionIn August 1996, Tanzanian authorities evicted a community of small-scale miners from their homes and worksites at the Bulyanhulu gold fields to allow a Canadian mining company, Sutton Resources, to take over the site. Since that time, there have been persistent allegations that as many...

Bulyanhulu: Special Investigative Report – The Men Who Moil for Gold

What happened in 1996 when a Canadian-owned mining company took possession of the largest gold find in East Africa (by Stephen Kerr and Kelly Holloway, published in the Varsity and the Atkinsonian).

SPECIAL: Battling the Mining Industry on the World Stage

Negotiating for the planet

"At the moment, one large negotiation process is underway about how the world can achieve sustainable development. Rio+10, also known as the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD), to be held in Johannesburg, South Africa, will discuss this issue and take into...

Memo from Senat Coutumier to Commission of Inquiry on Goro Nickel Project

The industrial project of GORO-NICKEL, involving the construction of a commercial plant, has already been the subject of a pre-inquiry that took place from February 4, 2002 to February 19, 2002, inclusively.

The present MEMORANDUM of the Customary Senate of New Caledonia is part of the actual...

Backgrounder: What's INCO doing in New Caledonia?

by Catherine Coumans

New Caledonia is a French "Overseas Community" in the southwestern Pacific (21 degrees 30' S, 165 degrees 30' E). The archipelago is surrounded by a 2,000-km long reef system (44,000 square kilometres) that is the world's second largest coral massif after Australia's Great...

Submission re: Bill C-19: an Act to Amend the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act

(Presentation by Joan Kuyek, National Coordinator)

Thank you for this opportunity to appear before the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development.

MiningWatch Canada is a pan-Canadian coalition of environmental, Aboriginal, social justice, development and labour...