Planet in Focus: Toronto International Environmental Film & Video Festival Coming in September

Planet in Focus will be holding its third annual international environmental film and video festival in Toronto, September 25-30, 2002. Planet in Focus's mission is to promote the use of film and video as a catalyst for public awareness, discussion and appropriate action on the ecological and social health of the planet.

This year Planet in Focus will be screening three films that focus on the impacts of mining on communities and the environment:

  • Brittania Beach (about an abandoned mine in southern British Columbia that is the single largest point source of metal pollution in North America)
  • Gold Accident (about ongoing environmental problems at a mine in Kyrgyzstan run by Canadian mining company Cameco)
  • The Return of Navajo Boy (about the impacts of uranium mining on a Utah Navajo community).

MiningWatch Canada was a sponsor of the festival last year and will once again support the festival this year and provide commentary on the film Gold Accident.

Planet in Focus can be reached at (416) 531-1769 or e-mail or see