Urgent Action: Urge immediate protection for Gustavo Castro, injured during the assassination of Berta Cáceres

Embassy of Honduras in Mexico
Mexican Consulate in Honduras
Inter American Commission on Human Rights


Early this morning, March 3, 2016, armed individuals forcibly entered and assassinated Honduran activist Berta Cáceres, founder of COPINH, in her home...

Assassination of Berta Cáceres

Shocking and terribly sad news from the National Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras:

March 3, 2016

This evening at approximately midnight, the General Coordinator of COPINH, Berta Cáceres was assassinated in her hometown of La Esperanza, Intibucá. At least two...

Quebec Residents Threaten Lawsuit Over Malartic Open Pit Mine

Earlier this week, local residents affected by the giant Canadian Malartic’s open pit gold mine voted unanimously in favour to move ahead with a class action lawsuit over the impacts the mine has on their property, health, well-being, and overall quality of life.

Montreal-based lawyer, Michel...

Community Fears Toronto-based Aura Minerals Preparing to Illegally Remove Cemetery in Honduras with Military Support

Aura Minerals' gold mine in La Unión, Copan, Honduras can not expand without exhuming and relocating hundreds of family members buried in the community cemetery. Aura Mineral's subsidiary MINOSA has not compiled with even the basic standards for cemetery relocation, including receiving legal...

Time to Clean Up BC's Mining Industry!

Write to BC's Premier now!

Just as Premier Christy Clark announces more direct and indirect subsidies to the mining industry, groups are calling on the BC government to better industry practices and stronger regulations to protect the environment, communities, and taxpayers from further...

Thousands Protest HudBay Minerals’ Constancia Mine in Peru, Force Company to the Table

This week, thousands of affected-community members protested against HudBay Minerals’ Constancia open-pit copper mine in southern Peru. 

The Velille Defense Front (FUDIV) convened the 72-hour peaceful preventative strike, which took place from Monday to Wednesday. The communities decided to...

Communities Announce Protest Against HudBay Minerals’ Constancia Project in Peru

After failed attempts to dialogue with HudBay Minerals, the Velille Defence Front, community presidents, community boards, the Chumbivilcas Defence Front  and nearby districts have announced a preventative strike for 72 hours starting January 25, 2016 against the company’s Peruvian subsidiary...

Ottawa, we have a problem

The Canadian Ambassador to Mexico is apparently not worried about violence, kidnapping and extortion at Canadian mine sites.

This despite a Canadian mining executive having admitted this year to the Business News Network to having a good working relationship with organized crime groups in Sinaloa...

Fears of Contamination of Drinking Water of Turkey’s Third Largest City Fuel Opposition to Eldorado Gold’s Efemçukuru Mine

By Üstün B. Reinart for the Aegean Environmental Platform

(Turkey) Community groups, professional associations, and environmentalists want Eldorado Gold out of Efemçukuru, Izmir, while the company manœvres behind closed doors to illegally increase capacity three-fold.

Eldorado Gold Corp (through...

Too Much To Ask? Put mining justice on the foreign policy leaders’ debate

Among questions about the Syrian refugee crisis and Canada’s military deployment abroad, the central role of the Canadian mining industry in the dispossession and forced displacement of many thousands of people around the world, including countless men, women, and children murdered, wounded, and...

Supreme Court of Canada Affirms International Enforcement of the Law, Allows Ecuadorans to Pursue Chevron Assets in Canada

In a small but significant step towards ending corporate impunity for destroying the environment and people’s health, the Supreme Court of Canada has ruled that Ecuadoran villagers should be allowed to try to get hold of Chevron assets in Canada, to collect on the $US9.51 billion that Ecuadoran...

Crumbling Political Support for Tahoe Resources in Guatemala

If the militarized security strategy that Tahoe Resources used to put its Escobal silver mine into operation isn’t enough to raise questions about the ethics of the company’s operations in Guatemala, the recent resignation of Guatemalan President Otto Pérez Molina should be. Pérez Molina stepped...

Canadian Mining Undermines Democracy in Central America

Canada’s multinationals work hand-in-hand with corrupt governments and threaten democracy in post-conflict Central American nations.

Guest blog by Alexandra Pedersen.

Canadian mining companies account for 75 percent of the world’s extractive corporations. Canada is literally digging up the...

New Study Indicates Increasing Mine Disasters Worldwide - Why is the industry incapable of learning from its biggest mishaps?

A new study reveals that catastrophic mine waste failures are increasing in frequency, severity, and costs all around the world. The authors point toward poor regulations, poor practices, dicey mining economics, and ever larger mines as key factors behind those disasters.

This dangerous trend needs...

Mount Polley Mine Disaster’s First Anniversary No Reason to Celebrate

By Ana Simeon and Ugo Lapointe

On August 4 last year, Quesnel Lake residents and communities along the Fraser River were eagerly anticipating one of the largest sockeye returns in recent history.

What they got instead was a nightmare: over 24 billion litres of mine waste burst through Imperial...

Good Riddance Infinito Gold, A Long Overdue Farewell to Costa Rica

Canadian, US and other international civil society organizations welcome Infinito Gold’s announcement that it is calling it quits on its tortuous quest to open the Crucitas mine in Costa Rica in spite of the determined opposition of the Costa Rican people and repeated court decisions against it.
