Eroding Democracy: FTAs, Corporate Rights and Resource Extraction in the Americas

Manuel Pérez Rocha is an Associate Fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington D.C. He is also the Coordinator of Networking for Justice in Global Investment, and is a member of the Mexican Action Network on Free Trade (RMALC).

In February 2012, he spoke at Ottawa University on the...

No Habitat - No Fish / No Protection - No Habitat

Blog post: An internal government memo leaked to fisheries biologist Otto Langer suggests that the Federal government plans on removing a crucial provision of the Fisheries Act – one of Canada’s most important environmental laws.

Mexico and Canada uphold impunity in Blackfire case

Communiqué: The Mexican Network of Mine Affected Communities – Chiapas echoes calls for an end to impunity in the case of Blackfire Exploration and for greater responsiveness from both Canadian and Chiapas authorities to requests for further information.

Peruvians Oppose CIDA’s Joint CSR Initiative with Barrick Gold and World Vision

Opinion: Rick Arnold, former coordinator of Common Frontiers Canada, argues that the CIDA-funded CSR project with World Vision and Barrick Gold is aimed at the pacification of local dissent over a new Barrick project in La Libertad, Perú, rather than local economic development.

Canadian Mining Overseas: Counter to Development Goals and Discrediting Canada

Presentation: Dr. Anthony Bebbington, Higgins Professor of Environment and Society, Director of the Graduate School of Geography at Clark University and a member of the US National Academy of Sciences, testified to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International...

Indigenous Rights and Mining: Submissions to the UN Committe on Elimination of Racial Discrimination

In February 2012 during the CERD's 80th session the Committee reviewed Canada's 19th and 20th reports. Prior to the review interested parties submitted comments to CERD on Canada's progress, or lack there of, in implementing the Convention and responding to the Committee's earlier recommendations. A...

Over two hundred organizations from thirty countries raise concerns with Inter-American Commission on Human Rights

Letter: Two hundred and thirty three civil society groups from thirty countries, all organizations working for the protection of human rights and the environment in the Americas and Europe, jointly wrote the Inter-American Commission on Human Right (IACHR) to raise concern over recent decisions that...

Superficial Review of Canadian Environmental Assessment Act Cannot Sustain Public Confidence or Produce Real Results

Much has been made of federal pronouncements about limiting public participation in environmental reviews, limiting their duration, and ‘streamlining’ them, just as the public hearings on Enbridge’s proposed Northern Gateway pipeline began. Little notice has been paid to the statutory review of the...

Indigenous leader asks CIDA, World Vision and Barrick not to pursue joint CSR project in Peru

Open Letter: The General Coordinator of the Andean Coordinating Committee of Indigenous Organizations has written to Minister Bev Oda, Barrick Gold and World Vision asking them not to pursue a joint Corporate Social Responsibility project in La Libertad, Peru and instead to promote respect for...

CIDA Subsidizes the Corporate Social Responsibility of Multinational Mining Companies

In late 2011 the House of Commons Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development started to study the “Role of the Private Sector in Achieving Canada’s International Development Interests.” Among others, the Committee heard from the Executive Director of the Prospectors and...

Raging Grannies Sing the CEAA Blues

The Canadian Environmental Assessment Act has been under attack for many years by industry and provincial and federal governments who claim that rigorous environmental assessment and meaningful public involvement hamper economic growth and drive away investment by causing delay and uncertainty...

ACTION ALERT: Canada’s Environmental Assessment Law Is Under Attack

The Harper Government wants to gut the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act.

Tell the Conservatives that Canada’s environment matters – and environmental laws matter.

Tell Prime Minister Harper, Environment Minister Kent, and Natural Resources Minister Oliver we won’t accept shoddy “streamlined”...

Inmet Ignoring Court Decision Over Panama Project

News item: While Toronto-based Inmet is widely distributing news of the approval of its ESIA by Panamanian environmental authorities in order to pave the way for further investment in the project, the company is ignoring a decision made one day earlier by the country's Supreme Court of Justice to...

Co-author presents study "Searching for Gold in the Highlands of Guatemala: Economic Benefits and Environmental Risks of the Marlin Mine”.

Dr. Lyuba Zarsky, a Senior Research Fellow for the Global Development and Environment Institute at Tufts University, is the co-author of a study on the Marlin Mine,  owned and operated by Vancouver-based Goldcorp Inc. in the western highlands of Guatemala. MiningWatch accompanied Dr. Zarsky during...

Video: Co-author presents study "Searching for Gold in the Highlands of Guatemala: Economic Benefits and Environmental Risks of the Marlin Mine”.

Dr. Lyuba Zarsky, a Senior Research Fellow for the Global Development and Environment Institute at Tufts University, is the co-author of a study on the Marlin Mine,  owned and operated by Vancouver-based Goldcorp Inc. in the western highlands of Guatemala. MiningWatch accompanied Dr. Zarsky during...

Diamonds and Development: Attawapiskat and the Victor Diamond Mine

In the last two weeks there has been an intense media storm around the current housing crisis in Attawapiskat, a remote Cree community on the coast of James Bay. One element of the story that’s getting some attention and is of particular interest to MiningWatch is the fact that the community is...