Robert Lovelace Address to Amnesty International, Toronto

Former Chief of the Ardoch Algonquin, Robert Lovelace, gave this address to an Amnesty International gathering in Toronto in October 2011. He provides a brief update of the situation of the Ardoch's confrontation with Frontenac Ventures, and comments on current industry and government approach to...

Tŝilhqot’in National Government: No to Prosperity Mine

In October 2011, representatives of the Tsilhqot'in National Government visited Ottawa to tell elected officials and federal bureaucrats that the "new" proposal by Taseko Mines for their proposed Prosperity Mine was equally as dangerous as the original version turned down in November 2010.


What Kind of Environmental Assessment for Ontario's "Ring of Fire"?

Unfortunately, neither the Ontario government nor the federal government are taking a leadership role in addressing the need for the fullest possible environmental assessment for the "Ring of Fire" projects. First Nations and public interest groups have been advocating for a strong and...

International Organizations Protest Against the Criminalization of Environmental Defenders in Ecuador

Open Letter: Civil society organizations in the US and Canada have sent a letter to Ecuadorian authorities in protest against the criminalization of indigenous and non-indigenous environmental defenders. Specifically, the letter speaks out against the criminalization of three leaders in the south...

Canadian Mining and the Costs to Workers: Notes on the El Cubo/Local 142 Strike, 2010-2011

Anthropologist Elizabeth Ferry reviews what took place during a recent strike at the El Cubo mine owned by Canada's AuRico Gold (formerly named Gammon Gold) near Guanajuato, Mexico. While the strike has now been resolved and most of the workers are back at work, the strike raised important issues...

Response from Marmato, Colombia to the murder of Father José Reinel Restrepo

Communiqué: In the following statement issued on September 9th, the Regional Indigenous Council of the department of Caldas and the José Alvear Restrepo Lawyers' Collective condemn the murder of José Reinel Restrepo, parish priest of the municipality of Marmato, who was found dead on September 2...

Gustavo Gómez: Contamination and Corruption

Argentine Federal Prosecutor Gustavo Gómez describes what he calls the cycle of corruption (círculo cerrado): companies are allowed to operate without adequate regard for the environment and subsequently use their enormous profits to ensure ever-increasing impunity. Mr. Gómez firmly believes that...

Gustavo Gómez: The Alumbrera Mine – A Case in Point

Argentine Federal Prosecutor Gustavo Gómez outlines five lines of investigation related to this mining operation, from environmental issues to concerns about the Argentinean State's lost revenues.

Gustavo Gómez: Corporate Donations to Universities

A number of Argentinean universities have refused to accept donations from mining companies and Argentine Federal Prosecutor Gustavo Gómez calls on Canadian institutions to carefully look at company practices when considering offers of this type of funding.

Gustavo Gómez on the Right to Protest

In Argentina, the movement to protect the environment has moved from the fringes and the university classroom, to communities concerned for their well-being, to the court room. Mr. Gómez discusses the challenges and his hopes for his country’s future. He also provides an interesting insight into the...

Gustavo Gómez: Need for an International Tribunal to Address Environmental Crimes

The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court was adopted in 1998 and can be viewed as a precedent, according to Argentine Federal Prosecutor Gustavo Gómez, for the establishment of an international environmental crimes court. He believes such a body is essential to ending the impunity that...

Argentine Prosecutor Gustavo Gómez on the Prosecution of Environmental Crimes

Antonio Gustavo Gómez is the General Prosecutor in Argentina’s Federal Court of Appeal for the province of Tucumán. He specializes in the investigation of environmental crimes. In early 2011, Mr. Gómez visited Canada. MiningWatch Canada hosted him while he was in Ottawa. We have produced five videos...

Elmtree Mine Proposal Raising Concerns

For a relatively small project, Castle Resources' proposed Elmtree gold mine is raising a lot of concerns amongst the citizens of north-eastern New Brunswick.

Like Water for Gold in El Salvador

In the struggle to protect their water supply against Canadian-led gold mining, Salvadorans have had to fight for their lives and for their democracy. An excellent article by Robin Broad and John Cavanagh originally published in The Nation.

International Call to Halt Criminalization of Environmental Defenders in Honduras

Fifty-two international civil society organizations have asked Honduran authorities to stop criminalizing environmental defenders and to ensure them personal freedom, due process, and the right to continue their defence of human rights.

Overview of Federal Review Panel Findings and Taseko’s “New Prosperity” Project

In its July 2010 report, a Federal Review Panel identified a number of significant adverse effects that were likely to occur if Taseko Mines were permitted to build its proposed Prosperity gold-copper mine. These were significant adverse effects, for which the panel saw no reasonable means of...