
On March 26 2009, B2Gold merged with Central Sun Mining, formerly Glencairn.

Mining in Ontario

Ontario has the largest metal mining sector of all the provinces in Canada, and accounts for one-third of Canada's mineral production. Ontario's mining industry generates $5-7 billion each year, primarily through exports. Nickel, gold and copper generate the greatest monetary value.

Since 1907...

Mining in Canada

Mining takes place in many parts of Canada, mostly on Aboriginal lands, causing a range of impacts - environmental, economic, social, and health-related.

Mining in Latin America and the Caribbean

Latin America has seen a major expansion in mining investments since the early 1990s, facilitated by free trade agreements and structural reforms that have deregulated the economies of the region and made them more hospitable to direct foreign investments.

Mexico - background

Mining has played an important economic role in Mexico since pre-Hispanic times. After the Spanish conquest, it attracted settlers to the arid lands of northern Mexico, displacing the borders of the Spanish dominion. In modern times, it became one of the antecedents of the Mexican Revolution when...

Teck Resources

Teck Corporation and Cominco Ltd. merged in 2001. Teck Cominco acquired Aur Resources Inc. in August 2007. Teck Cominco changed its name to Teck Resources Ltd. in April 2009. Company web site: www.teck.com

What Role for Canada in the Americas? Corporate Accountability and the Extractive Industries

What Role for Canada in the Americas?
Meeting the Challenge of Human Rights, Democratic Development, and Economic Justice in a Time of Global Crisis

A Policy Roundtable organized by CCIC’s Americas Policy Group

“Corporate Accountability and the Extractive Industries”

Presentation Notes
Jamie Kneen

MiningWatch's Recommendations for the 2009 Budget and Stimulus Package


Prime Minister Harper has made a commitment to include the mining sector in an upcoming stimulus package. There is no denying that this sector, as with other industrial and resource sectors in Canada, is experiencing hard times. Metal prices have plummeted, fewer people are buying...


Since the early 1990s, the Intag region of Imbabura in northwestern Ecuador has been the target of mining exploration. Japanese and then Canadian interests have claimed substantial finds of copper, and have promoted the idea of building a huge open-pit mine in the middle of one...

Papua New Guinea Hosts International Meeting on Ocean Dumping of Mine Waste

While dumping mine tailings into the sea via a submerged pipe is effectively banned in Canada under the Fisheries Act, Canadian companies practice so-called Submarine Tailings Disposal (STD) overseas.

Meeting with Partners at Porgera Mine in Papua New Guinea

In November 2008 MiningWatch Canada’s Catherine Coumans had the opportunity to meet with partners at Barrick Gold’s Porgera Mine in the Papua New Guinea Highlands (Enga Province). Our partners are the grassroots human rights group called Akali Tange Association (ATA) and the Porgera Landowners...

Canadian Lakes and Streams at Risk of Being Converted to “Tailings Impoundment Areas”

One of MiningWatch Canada’s key areas of work in 2008 and that will be continuing in 2009 has been our efforts to curtail the destruction of natural water bodies for the creation of tailings impoundments (i.e. waste dumps). Though contrary to both the intent and the letter of the Fisheries Act...

Letter to Shareholder Group re: Human Rights Impact Assessment for Goldcorp's Guatemala Mine

In a letter dated December 4, 2009, MiningWatch Research Coordinator Catherine Coumans detailed serious concerns with the Human Rights Impact Assessment for Goldcorp's Marlin mine in Guatemala, announced April 24, 2008 as a response to pressure from shareholder groups (see announcement, below). A...

Modernizing Mining in Ontario

On August 5th, 2008, the Ontario government announced a public consultation process to “modernize the Ontario Mining Act”. The consultations were focused around the government’s discussion paper Modernizing Ontario’s Mining Act, Finding a Balance posted online on August 11th. Closed door...

Pacific Rim Files Notice of Intent to Seek CAFTA Arbitration

Pac Rim Cayman LLC, a Nevada corporation and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Pacific Rim Mining Corp. has filed a Notice of Intent to commence international arbitration proceedings against the Government of El Salvador under the Central America-Dominican Republic-United States of America Free Trade...

State of Mine: The Dominion Newspaper's Special Issue on Mining

The Dominion Newspaper is a cooperative, independent, grass roots publication. A special edition, State of Mine: An Investigation of Canada's Extractive Industries was published in November 2008 and is available online at: www.dominionpaper.ca/issue/55. The online edition features 37 articles on...