OMAN Summary - PDF

The Ontario Mining Action Network (OMAN) was launched in Sudbury, Ontario on December 5, 2004, at the conclusion of a two-day workshop on mining in Ontario. Representatives from First Nation communities, labour organizations, environmental groups and mining-affected communities from Southern and...

Tahltan Elders Statement “Dena nenn Sogga neh ’ine” (Protectors and Keepers of the Land)

“Dena nenn Sogga neh ’ine” (Protectors and Keepers of the Land)

We, the Tahltan People, historically a sovereign nation have occupied our traditional territories since time immemorial. Our culture is organized through a matrilineal clan system. This has always been and remains our broad governing...

The Assault on First Nation Lands in British Columbia

The mining industry in British Columbia has mounted an unprecedented campaign for access to new mineral lands and wilderness areas on First Nations Lands in British Columbia. First Nations are fighting back on many fronts. In all cases, their resources are out-stripped by the mining industry and its...

Elders with e-mail -- government and industry take note

Column by Stephen Hume, The Vancouver Sun, February 5, 2005 Last June, the province was trumpeting breakthrough relationships with first nations as a welcome to new investment capital for British Columbia's mining sector. Initiatives with first nations like the Tahltan of northwestern B.C...

Open Letter on Pollution from Base Metal Smelters

February 21, 2005

The Honourable Stephane Dion
Minister of the Environment
House of Commons
Ottawa ON K1A 0A6
Fax: 819-953-3457

The Honourable Ujjal Dosanjh
Minister of Health
House of Commons
Ottawa ON K1A 0A6
Fax: 613-952-1154

The Honourable Carolyn Bennett
Minister of State for...

Letter to Toronto Stock Exchange re: Ascendant's Estimates of Junín Reserves

J. Spencer Lanthier
Chair, Finance and Audit Committee
Toronto Stock Exchange
P.O. Box 450
3rd floor, 130 King Street W.
Toronto, ON M5X 1J2

Dear Mr. Lanthier and Committee members:

I am writing to ask what you have done to resolve the apparent anomalies in the information provided by Ascendant Holdings...

A Brief History of Resistance to Mining in Intag, Ecuador


Exploration for metallic minerals began in the Junín area with the arrival of Bishimetals in the early 1990s. Junín is a community located in Intag, a 2,200 km2 expanse of cloud forests and farms in northwestern Ecuador (Cotacachi County,...

Recent History of the Ongoing Struggle by Kanak People to Make Inco Respect Their Rights

Backgrounder by Catherine Coumans, February 2005

• October 2001: Then-President Georges Mandaoue and Secretary General Regis Vendegou of the Kanak Sénat Coutumier, visited Canada. They met with Inco executives in Toronto. They made it very clear that Inco had failed to consult with local NGOs...

Failure to Disclose Material Risk: Are you aware of how Glamis Gold Limited operates in Central America? Is your investment truly "Low Risk"?

Indigenous and non-indigenous solidarity groups picketed Glamis Gold's 2005 annual meeting. Photos and background can be found at the Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs web site. The protestors handed out a flyer: Failure to Disclose Material Risk: Are you aware of how Glamis Gold Limited...

Open Letter: Canadian mining around the world

On Nov. 3, 2004, Canada’s Ambassador to Guatemala, James Lambert, wrote an article in Prensa Libre, in which he described the economic benefits and the social and environmental responsibility demonstrated by the mining industry in Canada. The history of mining in Canada, as with other industries...

The Public Has a Right to Know the Toxins Produced by Mining

Most of the pollutants released by the creation of tailings and waste rock during mining are exempt from the National Pollutant Release Inventory, the NPRI.Digging up metals generates enormous piles of rock, which contain trace amounts of potentially harmful substances. As an example, one gold...

Comments on the Proposed Tulsequah Chief Mine Project in Northwestern British Columbia, FEAI 36077

The extensive concerns and questions about the project indicate that it should be submitted to a mediator.

Declaration by the Coordinadora Nacional de Organizaciones Campesinas (CNOC)


5ª Street 1-61 Zone 1
Tel.: 2202957 Fax: 2303196
email: [email protected]

(unofficial translation)

To national and international attention:

We denounce the death of two peasants in Los Encuentros, Sololá, and we support the...

Report on Mining in Guatemala

by Sandra Cuffe for Rights Action In early December, a series of events focusing on mining were organized in Guatemala. Although the majority of the dozens and dozens of mining concessions, exploration and exploitation licences were granted under the previous government thanks to...

Letter from Cotacachi Mayor Auki Tituaña Opposing Mining Activities in the Intag Region of Ecuador

Of. No.684. MC-GL.A.2004

Cotacachi, 15 December 2004

Chris Werner
John Grist
Members of the Board of Directors,
Av. Republica Del Salvador N34-183,
Torre Azul- 3rd floor
Quito, Ecuador

To whom it may concern,

As representative of the Municipality of Cotacachi...

Urgent Action: Campaign against Barrick Gold’s Pascua Lama mining project and the “moving” of two glaciers.

Support the people of the Huasco Valley in northern Chile by sending e-mails (see text below) to:

The President of Chile opinion(at)
The Chilean Parliament and Senate: presenst(at), presicam(at)

This campaign will end January 6, 2005.

In Northern Chile: Glaciers...