"Overburdened" Women's Health Project: In Search of a Pilot Community

In January, MiningWatch had the privilege of visiting with inspirational people from three mining communities across Canada. Mel Quevillon, Canadian Program Coordinator, visited Labrador West (Labrador City and Wabush) in Labrador and Thompson and Flin Flon in Manitoba to meet with community members...

Asbestos and Canada

Together with the Sierra Club of Canada and as part of the Ban Asbestos Canada Network we've published a two-page background piece.

A Disaster Waiting to Happen: Prairie Creek Mine - PDF

The Prairie Creek mine, located just outside the boundary of the Nahanni National Park Reserve and World Heritage Site, is an environmental and financial disaster wating to happen. The issues are numerous and somewhat complex. The involve the mine's poor location, toxic substances, regulatory...

Background information: Brazilian Justice?

By Laurie Kazan-Allen, February 20, 2004.

When it comes to upsetting the economic status quo, little seems to have changed since Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva became President of Brazil. Despite the hopes of many of his supporters, powerful vested interests continue to set the agenda, silencing...

Mining in Russia

Since the fall of the Soviet Union, Canadian companies have been playing a leading role in developing mining projects in Russia and other former Soviet republics. This paper by Anna Palframan offers an introduction to some of the issues surrounding the Russian mining industry in general, the...

Undermining Our Future: How Mining’s Privileged Access to Land Harms People and the Environment

A discussion paper on the need to reform mineral tenure law in Canada by Karen Campbell, West Coast Environmental Law staff counsel, January 2004. The summary below is also available as a PDF, attached as Mining’s Privileged Access to Land: A Free Entry Backgrounder.

What is free entry?


Declaration on the Investment of Multinational Corporations in Colombia and Against the Elimination of MINERCOL, the State Mining Company of Colombia

We, the citizens of the world, have been informed by the workers affiliated to SINTRAMINERCOL-FUNTRAENERGETICA-CUT of the results of their study, titled Large-Scale Mining in Colombia: The Profits of Extermination, and of the decision of President Alvaro Uribe Vélez to liquidate the State Mining...

Mushkegowuk Tribal Council Comments on the Scoping of the Environmental Assessment of DeBeers' Victor Project at Attawapiskat on James Bay

Mushkegowuk Council is the regional organization that represents the interests of seven Cree First Nations in the James Bay Basin of North-Eastern Ontario. Besides Attawapiskat First Nation, it includes three other remote communities on the shores of James Bay: Moose Cree, Fort Albany and...

Northwatch Comments on the Scoping of the Environmental Assessment of DeBeers' Victor Project at Attawapiskat on James Bay

RE: Victor Diamond Project, De Beers Canada Exploration Inc., FEAI Reference Number 40658 - Draft Guidelines for the Conduct of a Comprehensive Study and the preparation of a Draft Comprehensive Study Report dated December 12, 2003

Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) Comments on the Scoping of the Environmental Assessment of DeBeers' Victor Project at Attawapiskat on James Bay

RE: Victor Diamond Project, De Beers Canada Exploration Inc., FEAI Reference Number 40658 - Draft Guidelines for the Conduct of a Comprehensive Study and the preparation of a Draft Comprehensive Study Report dated December 12, 2003

MiningWatch Canada Comments on the Scoping of the Environmental Assessment of DeBeers' Victor Project at Attawapiskat on James Bay

RE: Victor Diamond Project, De Beers Canada Exploration Inc., FEAI Reference Number 40658 - Draft Guidelines for the Conduct of a Comprehensive Study and the preparation of a Draft Comprehensive Study Report dated December 12, 2003

Ruling on Private Land in Ontario

By Marilyn Crawford

The Mining and Lands Commissioner Tribunal has made it clear that regulations prioritize the interest of miners over the interest of property owners seeking to exercise their right before staking and prospecting can take place and to have areas exempt from mining claims...

United Nations Whitewashes Canadian Mining Companies Operating in Democratic Republic of Congo

On October 24 of last year, the Panel of Experts on the Illegal Exploitation of Natural Resources and other Forms of Wealth in the Congo, a UN panel struck to research this issue, submitted its report to the United Nations. The five-member panel said that the different strategies for the illegal...

Background on CanTung Water Licence

Mine Location and History

The CanTung mine is located in the southwestern NWT, just inside the boundary with the Yukon. Road access is through the Yukon and the closest community is Watson Lake. The tungsten deposit was first staked in 1954 and went into production in 1962. The mine closed...

Mining in Canada: The Bigger Picture

Presentation for Philippine Delegation to Canada by Catherine Coumans, Ph.D.:

  • Dealing with mine waste – The problem, Submarine Tailings Disposal, Canadian regulations
  • Dealing with mine closure – Abandoned mines; Never a sustainable closure of a producing mine
  • Indigenous issues and mining – Flawed...