Canadian Asbestos: A Global Concern

On September 12 to 13, MiningWatch Canada participated in a conference in Ottawa sponsored by the International Ban Asbestos Network entitled Canadian Asbestos: A Global Concern. The Conference was co-chaired by Joe Comartin (NDP MP for Windsor) and Elizabeth May of the Sierra Club of Canada. The...

Ontario: The Old Mining Act Works!

Over the past three years, members of Bedford Mining Alert (north of Kingston, Ontario) have brought several disputes before the Provincial Mining Recorder and the Mining and Lands Commissioner.

Most have challenged the “right of free entry” by prospectors on private lands. As the Mining and Lands...

Asbestos Mining in Canada: Presentation

I have divided my talk into two sections: an overview of asbestos mining in Canada and some strategic considerations for taking on the issue here.

Communiqué issued by the Rhéébù Nùù Committee

For the past four months, the Rhéébù Nùù Committee has politely observed a silent stance on the situation regarding the Goro Nickel project being implemented on our lateritic land in the South.

During Mrs. Dutilleul's visit* and again during the French President's visit, the committee issued a...

Letter of Opposition and Demand to Halt Gold Mining Exploitation by PT Meratus Sumber Mas

Letter of Opposition and Demand to Halt Gold Mining Exploitation by PT Meratus Sumber Mas (PT Placer Dome Indonesia and PT Scorpion Placer Dome) in the Meratus Mountains in Kotabaru Regency, South Kalimantan To the honourable,The President of the Republic of Indonesia,Jakarta We are the indigenous...

Rhetoric vs. Reality: Investing as if Human Rights Mattered

A Presentation by
Joan Kuyek, D.S.W, MiningWatch Canada
to the Think Tank of the Board of Directors of Rights and Democracy
"International Investment and Human Rights: Political and Legal Issues"
June 11, 2003, Ottawa, Ontario

I am honoured to be here today and to share with you a non...

MiningWatch Canada Annual Meeting

On March 21, MiningWatch Canada held its Annual Meeting in Ottawa, followed by a two-day Board meeting.Our directors for 2003-4 are: Evelyn Baxter Robinson, Laura Calmwind, Will David, Sarah Johnnie, Brennain Lloyd, Ken Luckhardt, Ron Maurice, François Meloche, John McInnis, Lorraine Michael, Sue...

Towards a New Approach for Minerals Stewardship

Canadian mineral policy and regulations currently favour an old economic model that maximizes the extraction and use of virgin resources. A more progressive stewardship approach could reduce the generation of waste, reduce sector-wide energy demand, increase recycling and re-use and result in more...

INCO's Scott Hand Visits New Caledonia

Remarks by Scott Hand — unoffical transcript
Yaté-Mt.Doré Community Meeting
Friday, April 4, 2003

I have been to New Caledonia many times in the last few years and have always been extremely pleased by the warm reception I received from the people in Yaté and Mt. Doré. You have always been...

Meridian Gold's Toxic History in the USA

Mines owned or run by Meridian Gold have created serious toxic pollution in at least three locations in the United States. One of the largest emitters of atmospheric mercury in the US is the Jerritt Canyon Mine in Nevada, which was part-owned by Meridian until its recent sale. This mine emits more...

Interest Strong in Mining Subsidies Report

There is strong public interest in "Looking Beneath the Surface", the in-depth report on mining subsidies prepared by the Pembina Institute and MiningWatch Canada, and released on October 28, 2002.

Over 8000 copies of the report and the executive summaries were downloaded from the website or...

National Orphaned/Abandoned Mines Initiative (NOAMI)

For almost two years now, federal, provincial governments, the mining industry, Canadian Environmental Network representatives and Aboriginal reps have been working to form the National Orphaned/Abandoned Mines Initiative (NOAMI), based on recommendations made in a report commissioned by MiningWatch...

NRCan's Minerals and Metals Indicators (MMI) Initiative

Since 1999, Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) has been attempting to develop sustainable development indicators (SDIs) for the Canadian minerals and metals sector. In brief, each of the indicators chosen is to represent a measurable and significant component of the minerals sector from a...

Technical Work on Arsenic in Mining

A technical workshop on arsenic was organized by the Mining Association of Canada and CANMET, in association with the Arsenic Workshop Organization Committee. It was held in Winnipeg on November 7 & 8, 2002. There were about 74 participants from federal and provincial Government, industry, academia...

Mining Industry Criticism of "Looking Beneath the Surface: An Assessment of the Value of Public Support for the Metal Mining Industry in Canada" — A Response from the Authors

We have been disappointed, but not surprised, at the tone of some of the mining industry's responses to our report, Looking Beneath the Surface: An Assessment of the Value of Public Support for the Metal Mining Industry in Canada. The study, released in October 2002, examined the subsidization of...

Will Rising Closure Costs Sink Placer Dome?

Handout prepared for the Environmental Mining Council of British Columbia.