Friends of MiningWatch The Shuar Arutam People Reiterate Opposition to the Warintza Project After Announced Advanced Exploration 23.11.2023
Publication Impacts of Mining Activities on Water: A technical and legislative guide to support collective action 21.11.2023
Blog More than a Hundred Organizations Demand Justice for Assassination of Xinka Leader Noé Gómez Barrera 10.11.2023
Blog People Power and Pushback: First Quantum’s Stock Price Plummets Amidst Massive Protests in Panama 01.11.2023
Friends of MiningWatch Long Point First Nation Hosts a Day to Affirm its Sovereignty over its Traditional Territory - KAKINWAWIGAK NIDAKINAN 17.10.2023
Brief Going Upstream: The impact of industrial mining on the human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation 15.10.2023
MiningWatch in the News Former B.C. mining exec fined $30K for environmental violations — but First Nation says damage costs far more 13.10.2023