(Ottawa) MiningWatch Canada invites the media and the public to attend an information session on April 28, 2018, in Coniston/Sudbury, about Noront’s recent bid to find a ‘willing community’ in northern Ontario to host a ferrochrome plant to process it’s highly speculative Ring of Fire’s chromite deposits. This information session is hosted by the Coalition for a Liveable Sudbury and the Laurentian University School of the Environment. It is free, open to the public and will welcome four experts and guest speakers to answer questions from the public.
When: April 28 2018, 3:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
Where: Coniston, Sudbury (École Notre-Dame de la Merci, 2 Edward Ave. N.)
What: A ferrochrome plant’s potential health and environmental impacts
Who: Hosted by the Coalition for a Liveable Sudbury and the Laurentian University School of the Environment, with the participation of four guest speakers:
- Dr. Stefan Siemann (Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Laurentian University)
- Dr. Charles Ramcharan (School of the Environment, Laurentian University)
- Liza Vandermeer (retired MOECC staff member)
- Brennain Lloyd (Northwatch)
This information session takes place four days after MiningWatch Canada was invited by Environment North to make a public presentation in Thunder Bay about the potential health and environmental impacts of a ferrochrome processing plant.
Noront’s proposal is facing increasing concerns by citizens in Northern Ontario. Citizens in Sudbury have recently launched a website and a petition to say ‘No Ferrochrome’ in the city of a thousand lakes.
For more information about the event:
- See the website and facebook’s announcements
- Contact clsudbury@live.com
No Ferrochrome Sudbury
Coalition for a Liveable Sudbury (updated April 2018):
- Overall webpage
- Short primer
- Ferrochrome production & wastes
- Health issues
- Environmental issues
- Local conditions
- Environmental Review
- Regulations
MiningWatch Canada
- MiningWatch presentation in Thunder Bay (April 2018)
- MWC CBC interview in Sudbury (February 2018)
- MiningWatch primers on health & environmental impacts (2012)
- MiningWatch Fact sheet 1 - Potential impacts of mining and processing chromite (2012)
- MiningWatch Fact sheet 2 - Working with chromite: things you should know (2012)
- MiningWatch Fact sheet 3 - Living near a chromite mine or processing facility (2012)
Richard Lake Stewardship Committee in Sudbury area: Presentation (April 2018)
Environment North in Thunder Bay: http://www.environmentnorth.ca/
Noront: Noront’s document on environmental issues (Oct. 2017)
City of Sudbury: Sudbury City's webpage