May Day COVID-19 Report

In honour of May Day this year, MiningWatch Canada has assembled the following summary of reported COVID-19 outbreaks affecting mine workers at Canadian owned/operated mines across the world.

The list is not exhaustive, and relies heavily on media-reported outbreaks (as of April 30). The...

COVID-19: Mining Companies Putting Workers and Communities at Greater Risk

Mining executives are washing their hands, alright — they’re washing their hands of responsibility for their workers’ and communities’ well-being.

In not acting quickly to curtail or halt operations in light of COVID-19, mining companies are putting workers and communities at greater risk. 


Chilean Mayor Asks Teck to Protect Municipality, Warns Population Vulnerable to COVID-19 Due to Mining Contamination

Teck Resources’ Carmen de Andacollo mine in northern Chile has come under scrutiny for the way it is reacting to the COVID-19 crisis as the number of cases in that country continues to rise.

The mayor of the municipality of Andacollo, Juan Carlos Alfaro, spoke with the Chilean press yesterday...

Communities Defend Public Health Against Mining and COVID-19 in Guatemala

The peaceful resistance of Santa Rosa, Jalapa, and Jutiapa in southeastern Guatemala has struggled since 2010 to defend the health of their communities from the Escobal mine. Since June 2017, they have maintained a 24-hour roadside encampment to prevent traffic from reaching the mine site, which...

Still No Justice for Marinduque’s Mining Victims

Twenty-four years after a catastrophic mine waste disaster on the small Philippine island of Marinduque filled a 26-kilometre river with mine tailings from the mountainous mine site to the sea, Marinduqueños still seek compensation for this disaster from Canadian mining giant Barrick Gold.


Canadian Mining Companies in Argentine Patagonia: 'Go Home and Stay Home!'

Seventeen years after the Esquel referendum (March 23, 2003), funding dirty metal extraction projects seems further away than ever.

Author: Luis Manuel Claps

Until just a month ago, official media represented the expansion of the Canadian mining companies that operate in Santa Cruz into...

Bankruptcy Court Informed of Misleading Information in Mining Company Lydian’s Affidavit

[Guest blog by the Armenian Environmental Front] On February 28, members of the Armenian Environmental Front addressed a letter to Honorable Geoffrey B. Morawetz, Chief Justice of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, Commercial List, specialized in insolvency cases, who presides over Lydian...

Global Mining Corporations Have a Friend in the New Guatemalan Government

The new president has appointed a former mining executive to a high-level post, worrying indigenous communities that have long protested the company’s harmful extraction activities.

MiningWatch and JATAM Write to Vale Indonesia and Vale Canada to Support Karonsi'e Dongi Demand for Electricity

MiningWatch Canada joined JATAM, the Indonesian Mining Advocacy Network, in writing to Vale Indonesia and Vale Canada to renew a request that the company support the restoration of the electricity to homes of the Karonsi’e Dongi people in Bumper, East Luwu, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.

Background on Pro-Mining Law Amendments in Mendoza, Argentina

On December 20th, the Provincial Court of the Argentinean province of Mendoza amended an anti-mining Law (#7722) to permit the use of dangerous chemical substances banned under the law like cyanide and sulphuric acid used in the mining industry, essentially giving a green light to large-scale...

Banro Corporation in the Democratic Republic of Congo

The international community remains concerned with the ability of transnational mining corporations to operate outside the law, with a lack of enforced accountability for violations committed. Banro Corporation, operating gold mines in the eastern regions of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)...

Gloria Chicaiza Physically Gone But Forever Remembered

We wish to express our deep sense of loss for our comrade, Gloria Chicaiza Aguilar, who succumbed to complications from a lung transplant on December 28, 2019. 

Gloria (Glorita) was a strong and courageous woman who fought tirelessly for a just and ecological Ecuador, an Ecuador free of the...

Federal Court of Appeal Shuts Down Taseko Mines Over "Prosperity" Mine Rejection

This Wednesday, the Federal Court of Appeal dismissed Taseko Mines Ltd.'s case against the federal environmental assessment of its proposed New Prosperity copper-gold mine in Tŝilhqot’in territory in central British Columbia. The Court found that the federal review panel was well within its...

URGENT ACTION - Tell Multinational Mining Companies to Back Off: Chubut Already Said "No" to Mining

We, the undersigned organizations, are deeply concerned about reports emerging from Chubut, Argentina, a province in the beautiful Patagonia region, about the increased presence of the mining lobby in the provincial legislature pressuring deputies to amend Environmental Law XVII-Nº 68 (former Law...

Understanding Canada’s Silence on the Uprising in Chile

Last week marked one month since Chilean president Sebastian Piñera used a dictatorship-era constitutional power to declare a state of emergency in ten out of sixteen regions of the country, declaring war on protesters. The conflict, which has been superficially described as a reaction to a spike...

Selected Background Readings for "Turning Down the Heat: Can We Mine Our Way Out of the Climate Crisis?"

We prepared this list of key readings as background for the conference "Turning Down the Heat: Can We Mine Our Way Out of the Climate Crisis?" It is not exhaustive nor comprehensive, but we hope it represents some of the key threads in this discussion.