Declaration of the Regional Gathering: Climate Crisis, Energy Transition and Mining Extractivism in Latin America

Statement leading up to the COP25 in Santiago de Chile (now relocated to Madrid, Spain)

September 26-28, Santiago, Chile

Faced with the undeniable climate crisis and the false solutions proposed by multilateral spaces which have been co-opted by the transnational business sector and...

What riches await…

Canada treats mining companies like the goose that laid the golden egg. What we get in return looks more like a goose egg.

Mining enjoys massive government support in Canada. Politically, it’s treated as a preferred development option for remote communities and Indigenous peoples. Former...

Mining the Deep Sea: Stories for Suckers, and Corporate Capture of the UN

When I mention that the global mining industry is eyeing the deep seabed as the next frontier in mining I am commonly met with gasps of disbelief and dismay. That gut reaction is often followed up with sensible exclamations about the fact that the world’s oceans are already overstressed by...

Guest Blog: Acción Ecológica "Evaluating October 2019 in Ecuador"

The events of October 2019 dealt a hard blow to the economic plans of Ecuador’s elites, in particular their programme for eliminating fuel subsidies. But for the people these dates will be remembered as beautiful days of solidarity, of re-encounter with living traditions, of mutual recognition...

US-based Foundation Urges Canadian Company INV Metals to Abandon Controversial Ecuador Project, Highlights Risk to Investors

On October 14th, a US foundation, Defend them All (DTA), sent an open letter to Canadian mining company INV Metals urging the company to abandon its activities in Ecuador following a field visit to the Kimsakocha páramo in south-central Ecuador.

DTA is a non-profit organization with offices in...

Open Letter: Canadian Organizations Stand in Solidarity with Indigenous, Labour and Civil Society Organizations in Ecuador Protesting Neoliberal Economic Reforms 

Since October 2, Indigenous organizations, along with trade unions, social movements and peasant organizations, have been demonstrating across Ecuador against a set of economic austerity measures imposed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and other international lending institutions that...

Some Key Points to Understand What Is Going on in Ecuador in Light of Recent Massive Protests

Since October 2, Indigenous organizations, along with trade unions, social movements and peasant organizations have been demonstrating across Ecuador against a set of economic austerity measures (called the Paquetazo) imposed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and other international lending...

New Report Reveals Botched Consultation Process for Indigenous Xinca at Pan American Silver Mine in Guatemala

On September 6th, the Institute for Policy Studies and Earthworks released a report (attached to this post) with worrisome conclusions regarding the ongoing consultation process around Canadian mining company Pan American Silver's Escobal mine. In May 2019, the Xinca Parliament denounced a...

Canadian Mining Companies Part of the Problem as Repression of Indigenous and Social Movements Escalates in Ecuador 

MiningWatch expresses growing concern for the “State of Exception” (State of Emergency) declared by Ecuadorian president Lenin Moreno on October 3rd which seeks to grant exceptional powers to the police and military forces to repress Indigenous and civil society mobilizations against the so-called...

Guest Blog: Stopping a Capital Environmental Crime: The Rocket Frog and Intag’s Future

Author: Carlos Zorilla. To the human eye, the mostly dark-green Confusing Rocket Frog is not as attractive as the Harlequin Longnose Frog. Both amphibians are found in a patch of forest in Ecuador’s Intag region and nowhere else on the planet. The Harlequin’s discovery in 2016 was amazing enough...

"Unearthing Justice" – New Book Launch & Tour!

Community organizer and MiningWatch Canada cofounder, Joan Kuyek, is launching a new book on September 12, 2019: Unearthing Justice: How To Protect Your Community From the Mining Industry. 

"Whether it is to stop a mine before it starts, to get an abandoned mine cleaned up, to change laws and...

We Have a New Federal Impact Assessment Act. Yay.

The new federal Impact Assessment Act, previously known as Bill C-69, came into force at 12:01 this morning. We should be celebrating, but it's hard to cheer too enthusiastically when the law is so much less than it should have been. We worked intensely for three years, with experts and grassroots...

The Shuar Arutam People of Ecuador Declare Territory Free of Mining, Reject Consultation

The Shuar Arutam People Have Decided: No to Mining, We Do Not Want to Be Consulted. Through several meetings in different communities, we have met in order to analyze a response to the systematic violation of our collective rights by the State and the mining companies that have been operating in...

Mariano Abarca's Powerful Speech in Front of Canadian Embassy Is Heard in Chiapas to Mark Family's Submission of Appeal and 10th Year of Impunity

On August 19th, 2019 members of Mariano Abarca’s family, along with supporting Mexican organizations, held a press conference in San Cristobal de las Casas to denounce the 10th anniversary of impunity for Mariano’s murder and announce their decision to use their right to appeal the Federal Court...

Protests in Ottawa and Vancouver Part of Global Day of Action Against Oceanagold

On August 9, Canadians in Ottawa and Vancouver took to the streets in solidarity with Indigenous peoples and other Filipinos protesting the environmental destruction and human rights abuses of Canadian-Australian mining company OceanaGold in the Philippines.

OceanaGold’s permit to mine in the...

Indigenous Shuar Government in Ecuador Ratifies Anti-Mining Position Against Solaris Copper’s Warintza Project

On July 18th 2019, the Shuar Arutam President and Executive Council, representing over 12,000 inhabitants of the Indigenous Shuar Arutam territory, released a statement (below in full) pertaining to Solaris Copper’s “Warintza” project in Southern Ecuador.  

Solaris’ copper-molybdenum project is...