Contamination from abandoned mines gets a higher profile

On January 11th, MiningWatch Canada presented a plan for dealing with Canada's abandoned mines crisis to the eight members of cabinet most responsible for finding solutions to this issue. The plan calls for:

  • A national inventory of sites for which the federal government carries responsibility, and...

Environmental and human rights repercussions of Canadian mining investment in Ghana, West Africa

When foreign investment is encouraged in the absence of adequate controls, the results can be very disturbing. This was one of the themes coming out of the "Mining, development, and social conflicts in Africa" conference held by the Third World Network (TWN) in Accra, Ghana on November 14-18, 1999...

"On the Ground Research" conference getting off the ground

April 14-16, 2000: MiningWatch Canada, together with the Canadian Consortium for International Co-operation (CCISD), is hosting a workshop in Ottawa of 25-30 community leaders from rural and indigenous communities affected by mining around the world.

Participants will share their experience in...

Canadian Environmental Assessment Act under review

Five years after it came into force, it is time to look at the effectiveness of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA). Under the law, after five years the Minister of Environment must report to Parliament on the adequacy of the law and its implementation, and propose needed changes.


Regional grants program announced

MiningWatch Canada has initiated a small regional grants program. The goal of the program is to strengthen the capacity of people in communities affected by mining activities to assert their needs and rights. We will fund travel and exchange between community leaders and education and...

First-ever Annual General Meeting set for Toronto, March 3-5, 2000

The first annual general meeting for MiningWatch Canada will be held in Toronto on Saturday, March 4 at 9am, at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education on Bloor Street. The business portion of the meeting takes place from 9 am to 10 am. Two exciting workshops will follow:

Workshop 1: Getting


Stopping Mining in Tombstone Park

This month, after years of public consultations and negotiations, the Tr'ondek Hwech'in, with the support of environmental groups like CPAWS-Yukon, succeeded in getting 216,000 acres in the Yukon set aside as a park. Tombstone Territorial Park is an area of extraordinary beauty, that contains may...

Critique of the Mining Association of Canada Environmental Progress Report, 1999

The Mining Association of Canada report makes it clear that the industry feels it has to respond to growing concerns of Canadians about environment and impacts of mining. However, the report does nothing to reassure us about the effectiveness of voluntary emission reductions.

The data in the MAC...

INCO in Indonesia: A Report for Canadian People

What is INCO?

PT Inco produces raw nickel (80% of which is exported to Japan). The company mines ninety percent of the nickel produced in Indonesia. Inco large nickel reserves have averaged a production rate of 150 million pounds per year for the past 20 years. In 1996 there were 108 million...

test map and translation of taxonmy


Important information for D8 users:

D8 (do not use the D8 file_entity module unless you already had it installed prior to 8.4.x or unless you really want to and have good reason to be doing so), there are available modules (see links below) to help you migrate data to the D8 core media...

Balancing the Books: The Hidden Costs of Mining

On November 23, 1999, the mining industry will hold its annual lobby on Parliament Hill. Emphasizing the role they play in Canada's economy, they will demand more government subsidy - through tax exemptions, grants and decreased user fees, access to as much land for as long as possible and weakened...

Innu Nation co-hosts aboriginal workshop with MiningWatch Canada

On the weekend of September 10-12, 1999, MiningWatch Canada and the Innu Nation convened a gathering of representatives from aboriginal communities throughout Canada that had been affected by mining. The Innu wanted the gathering to share what they were learning through the environmental assessment...

Planning for International “Real Costs of Mining” Conference

Next spring, MiningWatch Canada will bring together 30 leaders from communities affected by Canadian mining companies around the world to share their stories and develop a framework for research projects located in their experience of mining in all its stages. A video and booklet will also come out...

Export Development Canada taking some heat

The Canadian Export Development Agency (EDC) provides public financing and political risk insurance to Canadian companies investing in large-scale projects overseas. In 1997, EDC worked with 3,711 customers in 145 global markets. It is a federal crown corporation.

EDC projects have enormous human...

Natural Resources Canada pushing “sustainable development indicators” — Indicators of what?

This past Spring, Natural Resources Canada (a.k.a. NRCan) initiated a multi-stage, multi-stakeholder process that MiningWatch Canada has been involved in. The first stage, which is ongoing, is meant to discern 'Canadian values' that might inform indicators that will measure 'progress' in the mining...

Keynote Speech by Daniel Ashini - Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Aboriginal Communities and Mining

With few exceptions, Aboriginal people across Canada and around the world are witnessing an incredible change on their lands. Mining and related activities, forestry and hydroelectric developments are just a few of the changes that we have seen, but they are among the most destructive.