Aboriginal Peoples and Mining in Canada: Six Case Studies

The six case studies presented in this document provide an overview of how aboriginal communities have come to terms with mining and mineral exploration in their territories. Each case study includes a brief summary of the project or problem, followed by a description of how it is being addressed...

Response to Comprehensive Study Report - Diavik Diamond Project

July 20, 1999

The Honorable Christine Stewart
Minister of the Environment
28th Floor, 10 Wellington Street
Hull, Quebec K1A OH3

Dear Madame Minister:

Re: Comprehensive Study Review, Diavik Diamonds Project

Attached is a submission from MiningWatch Canada, which represents our considered...

test video









The Need for MiningWatch Canada

Mining is an extremely high stakes game for public policy, finance markets and most importantly communities and ecosystems. While the industry emphasises its ability to generate wealth and its engineering prowess, its accountability for the massive accumulation of risks, costs and liabilities has...

MiningWatch Canada Activities

MiningWatch Canada has an impact on the accountability of policy makers and industry alike with four main activities. We: Provide an Ottawa-based monitoring function of mining companies, government agencies, and industry...

EMCBC Mining and the Environment Primer: Mining and Wildlife

More than any other human activity, mining has been the impetus for industrial development of wilderness areas in British Columbia. Some of the most immediate and extreme impacts of mineral development are felt by wildlife. At the exploration stage, impacts range from habitat disruption...

EMCBC Mining and the Environment Primer: Environmental Impacts of Mining

An actual mine site is just one point in a long line of activity before and after the digging starts. It is also at the centre of a geographical web of transportation routes (roads/barges/air access routes), energy infrastructure (dams/ power lines), tailings ponds, waste rock piles, and...

EMCBC Mining and the Environment Primer: Roads

Some of the most significant direct and indirect impacts of mining result from the construction of exploration and mining roads. Roads and unlimited access have a negative impact on wilderness areas in four ways: Habitat Fragmentation Roads disrupt calving/rearing grouds, key forage...

EMCBC Mining and the Environment Primer: Labour

Mine workers and their families are among the first to feel the impact of poorly designed mines. Over the years, labour activism has been the most important force in improving the safety of the mine environment. The long and often bloody history of mining (from the assasinated union...

EMCBC Mining and the Environment Primer: Mineral Efficiency

One of the most important directions for reducing environmental impacts of mining is to increase "mineral efficiency". In the long term, it is our responsibility as a society to reduce our consumption of (virgin) metals, to make fullest use of the very recyclable properties of metals...

EMCBC Mining and the Environment Primer: Water

Water is essential to life on our planet. A prerequisite of sustainable development must be to ensure uncontaminated streams, rivers, lakes and oceans.

As Canadians, we often take the presence of clean water for granted, forgetting its importance and assuming that it is always available...

EMCBC Mining and the Environment Primer: Mineral Exploration

The most extreme environmental impacts of mining occur in and around mines, yet the impacts may begin well ahead of any real production. The cumulative impacts of exploration can be extensive. The mining industry suggests that the ratio of exploration programs to successful mines is 1,000:1. Clearly...

EMCBC Mining and the Environment Primer: Acid Mine Drainage

Industry, labour, government, and environmentalists agree on one issue: that Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) is the number one environmental problem facing the mining industry. Acid Mine Drainage: devastates fish and aquatic habitat, is virtually impossible to reverse with existing technology, and once...

EMCBC Mining and the Environment Primer: Mineral Financing

Canada is a major source of mineral investment worldwide. In 1996, Canadian mining companies raised over $7 billion for domestic and foreign mining projects on the Canadian securities markets. This figure represents almost 50% of the world's exploration dollars. Mining companies are...

EMCBC Mining and the Environment Primer: Taking Action

Windy CraggyAs "ordinary" citizens, we can feel pretty cut off from the boardrooms, private meetings, and government departments where decisions are made. We can also feel shut out by the fancy, technical language of so called experts. Irresponsible mining developments can have devastating effects on ecologies...

