Publication Impacts of Mining Activities on Water: A technical and legislative guide to support collective action 21.11.2023
Guest Publication Review of the Environmental Impact Study for a New Facility for Co-Disposal of Tailings and Waste Rock at the Barrick Gold Pueblo Viejo Mine, Dominican Republic 15.11.2023
News Release Communities Demand Accountability for Mining Injustices in the Dominican Republic 15.11.2023
Blog More than a Hundred Organizations Demand Justice for Assassination of Xinka Leader Noé Gómez Barrera 10.11.2023
Blog People Power and Pushback: First Quantum’s Stock Price Plummets Amidst Massive Protests in Panama 01.11.2023
Brief Going Upstream: The impact of industrial mining on the human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation 15.10.2023
Blog International Organizations Express Concern for Democracy in Guatemala Amidst Attacks 13.10.2023