Peter McCaslin Responds to Asia Pacific Resources' Criticism

Response from Peter McCaslin to Mr. Forbes West, representing Asia Pacific Resources, and his 2 August 2005 letter in response to McCaslin's recent articles published here and by the Business and Human Rights Resource Centre.

5 August 2005

To: Forbes West
Investor Relations Advisor

A Mineral-Efficient Future

A Mineral-Efficient Future

If we are serious about developing sustainable environmental and economic practices, it is important that we adopt a mineral policy that promotes increased mineral efficiency. A mineral efficiency policy would reduce the energy and water requirements and the environmental...

New from the Canary Institute: "Understanding Mining Rights in Ontario"

This document by Lara McGuire and Jonquille Pak, edited by Susan Isaac, provides information for land owners on legislation and regulations related to prospecting, staking a mining claim, and undertaking assessment work on private property as set out in the Ontario Mining Act and enabling...

Canadian Mining Companies Destroy Environment and Community Resources in Ghana

A report by Asad Ismi on the involvement of Canadian mining companies in the pillaging of Ghana's natural resources – as the Ghanaian government prepares to open forest reserves to mining. This document has raised the ire of some in the industry; see Mineweb's outraged editorial, which...

Fisheries Act Regulations Under Review

On November 3-4, MiningWatch Canada took part in a two day workshop on the Metal Mining Effluent Regulations (MMER) sponsored by Environment Canada.

The meeting had two purposes: to update stakeholders on recent activities related to the MMER over the last two years, and to share...

Philippines-Canada Exchange on Controversial TVI Pacific Mine

In October, MiningWatch's Catherine Coumans visited communities affected by TVI Pacific's mine in the municipality of Siocon, on the Zamboanga peninsula of the southern Philippine island of Mindanao. Less than a week after her return to Canada, a delegation from Siocon arrived in Ottawa for a week...

Report from the Third International Women and Mining Conference in India

From October 1 to 9 MiningWatch's Catherine Coumans attended the Third International Women in Mining Conference in Visakhapatnam, Andra Pradesh, India. She made a brief presentation based on the research she has coordinated for MiningWatch Canada on women, mining and health in collaboration with...

"Plainspeak" analysis of Supreme Court decision on Taku River Tlingit case

Law firm Pape & Salter has published a "plainspeak" analysis of the Supreme Court of Canada’s November 18th, 2004 decision in the Taku River Tlingit First Nation v. British Columbia case. It is reproduced here with permission.

New Publications from the Canary Institute

The Canary Research Institute on Mining, Environment and Health has recently published two documents. Both are available by request from the MiningWatch/Canary Institute office or they can be downloaded from the "publications" page.

"Protecting Your Water Rights: A Guide to Environmental...

Cree Cultural Perspective on the Natural World – Mike Koostachin

Attawapiskat First Nation Member Mike Koostachin submitted the following statement to the Federal Regulators on January 21, 2004. It concerns the impact of a possible diamond mine in the James Bay lowlands.


We would like to thank you for providing us the opportunity to share a few...

Backgrounder on Placer Dome in Marinduque, Philippines

The Tailings Spill Disaster of 1996

On March 24, 1996 a massive tailings spill at Placer Dome's Marcopper Mining Corporation (Marcopper) mine in the Philippines filled the 26-kilometre-long Boac River on the island of Marinduque with 3-4 million tons of metal enriched and acid generating...

Statement of the Africa Initiative on Mining, Environment, and Society (AIMES) Meeting in Accra, Ghana

We, members of the Africa Initiative on Mining, Environment and Society (AIMES) from Angola, Ghana, Guinea, Madagascar, Mali, Mozambique, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, and Zambia in collaboration with our northern partners from Canada and the United Kingdom meeting in Accra Ghana...

Announcing the Canary Institute

The Canary Research Institute on Mining, Environment, and Health was incorporated on November 3, 2003, to promote the advancement of education and the reduction of poverty in Canada and elsewhere relating to and resulting from the impacts of mineral development on the physical, cultural...

Open Letter to Guatemala's President, Mining Minister and Skye Resources


Dear Sirs:

We, the elected and appointed representatives of twenty Q’eqchi’ Mayan communities located in the township of El Estor in...

In Memoriam: Roch Lanthier


Roch Lanthier, long-time activist and defender of the environment and people’s health, died January 29 of a heart attack. MiningWatch Canada joins his family and friends in expressing our gratitude for the life of Roch Lanthier and our deep regret at his passing.

We have...