Blog Concern about Criminalization of Environmental and Human Rights Defenders in Bolívar, Ecuador 14.02.2025
Blog Letter of Concern About the Rising Stigmatization Against the Committee for the Defense of Water and the Santurban Páramo in Colombia 11.02.2025
Friends of MiningWatch Five prominent water defenders in El Salvador refuse to attend court hearing denouncing lack of judicial independence that poses a threat to their lives 04.02.2025
MiningWatch in the News Sidelined in Mali, Barrick turns Tanzania mine into ‘armed encampment’ 13.01.2025
News Release 100+ Organizations Voice Deep Concern Over Violence to Advance Canada’s Atico Mining Project in Ecuador 12.12.2024
Friends of MiningWatch International Allies Against Mining in El Salvador condemns decision to retry ADES Santa Marta Five Water Defenders and Bukele’s attempts to overturn mining ban 03.12.2024
Blog Continued Militarization and Criminalization of Environmental Defenders to Advance Canadian Mining Project in Ecuador 11.11.2024